Subject: [harryproa] Re: harry gami.
From: "Robert" <>
Date: 5/20/2008, 2:13 AM

-An 7.5-8m ww hull with a 10m lw hull could have stand up room in the
center of the ww hull with a pop top. The rest of the ww hull would be
about 1.6-1.7. It could have a flare wide enough for a tapered double
at one end and a small saloon/galley at the other end. the lw hull
would be about 500-600mm wide and the ww hull would be about 1.9-2m
wide, accommodating a small cockpit. The hatch way slightly offset to
accommdate the double berth. Sliding together would bring it to 2.5m
and sliding apart 4.2-4.3m. Not a great deal of bury is needed as
there would not be a lot of torque on the joint and it could be braced
back to the crossbeam, This would probably be wide enough for righting
moment for a cruiser as the weight ratio for ww/lw would be somewhere
about 65/35 when you consider your water stores and two people. It
should weigh 450-600Kg sailing, going on Visionarry's weight,
depending on how much carbon is used. If you wanted to race it, you
could remove your stores and have a fold out extension to ww.
In general, I reckon it would be eminently doable.

In, "captian_rapscallion"
<captian_rapscallion@...> wrote:
> I like the elementary design, and the harrygami design. I was
> wondering if a design that had a cabin with standing head room and
> accommodation for a two week trip for a couple would be possible in a
> proa designed to "fold" using a sliding mechanism that would allow the
> proa to be moored in a traditional slip and be trailered easily.
> I also really like the seabattical design.

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