Subject: [harryproa] Power Multiplexing |
From: "jjtctaylor" <> |
Date: 5/23/2008, 5:32 PM |
To: |
Reply-to: |
When considering a cruising sized harryproa, let me suggest EPLEX as an option for your
electrical system design. I have no current or prior relationship with this company.
I don't know a whole lot about them except from articles written by Nigel Calder and
published by Prof Boatbuilder and Sail magazines. EPLEX, from Sensata Technologies is
among several companies, like Paneltronics and others that are creating multiplexed
wiring systems for marine and other applications.
The design philosophy comes from the automotive industry, and it is called power
multiplexing. The basic system uses a 12V or 24V power backbone while all switches and
fusing are honed off distributed nodes, and all are connected by a twisted pair of
communication wire. The premise is wiring does NOT have all go back to a central fuse
panel. Only the twisted pair cable and 12/24V power bus wires go back to a central fuse
location. Thus big savings in weight (30% or better wire reduction) and simpler install.
The multiplexing concept allows any circuit, fuse, or switch to be checked from anywhere
in the twisted pair network. Nodes can be replaced completely without any
reconfiguration. New nodes added and can be configured from a control panel or off-line
using a PC. Status, faults, power usage, voltages, tank levels, engine data, genset info.,
etc can all be monitored from any point in the network. The system can use AC nodes for
those circuits as well.
These nodes have electronic fuses which can be set for independent trip current levels and
have manual back up if the electronics fail. For systems that are critical, parallel wiring
can be done for those circuits or they can be separate and apart from the EPLEX wiring.
A bit of history. ED&D Inc (designers of EPLEX) was bought by Airpax which is now a
subsidiary of Sensata Technologies. EPLEX is not sold direct to customers but is wholly
supplied by Wes-Garde. http://www.wesgarde
Wes-Garde must design your electrical system to offer a bid price for the components.
They will do all the programming using their proprietary E-logic application and provide
telephonic or on-site support for your installation. It costs you nothing for the system
design and you have no obligation to buy !
Modular install may make electrical system planning for Seabbatical easier, boat lighter,
and installation easier, especially if contracted for multiple boats. They are receptive to
single boat custom designs and not dissuaded by one-off projects.
POC is Bret McDonald system manager or Wes Sorenson VP, PH (860) 527-7705, Cell for
Bret (860) 250-2538.
Rob can excommunicate me now for shameless product propaganda, but this ranked in
the almost too good to be true category. Check their websites for confirmation of
anything that I suggest. This power multiplexing technology seems to be catching on
across the boatbuilding industry, why not proas too.
To be fair, two of the other big players are Moritz Aerospace for Octoplex systems.
and Paneltronics for Powersign systems.
All have advantages and unique capabilities specific to their hardware and system
execution. Please check all. Paneltronics seemed reluctant to help me, as they were too
busy with large volume builders.