Subject: Re: [harryproa] 1421/schooner
From: Doug Haines
Date: 3/10/2009, 5:27 AM

Yes too much work and new sails -
Its partly because I have a strain in my side that gets a work out when sheeting in especially in shunts.
schooner isn't really bad reaching, just shunting and down wind
just hope to mostly reach on teh way to queensland.

--- On Tue, 10/3/09, Gardner Pomper <> wrote:
From: Gardner Pomper <>
Subject: Re: [harryproa] 1421/schooner
Date: Tuesday, 10 March, 2009, 12:00 AM

I loved that book. It's sequel, 1423, was not as good, but it was still interesting. 

What do you mean about changing you mind about the rig? Thinking that the schooner rig is better for sidecar, or just that it is too much trouble to change to an easyrig now?

- Gardner

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Doug Haines <doha720@yahoo.> wrote:
Read 1421 about the chinese treasure fleets circling the globe and charting Australia, America, Antarctica, Greenland and sailing North of Russia from greenland to Japan (apparently a very warm year that one).
To thank for lots of things.
Also changed mind about Rigs, only for cost and effort of building,

--- On Mon, 9/3/09, Rob Denney <harryproa@gmail. com> wrote:
From: Rob Denney <harryproa@gmail. com>
Subject: Re: [harryproa] Easy to build "Sidecar" clone
To: harryproa@yahoogrou
Date: Monday, 9 March, 2009, 3:30 PM


Raps has a few problems at the moment, so no progress. I am half
thinking of a visit later this year to give him a hand. China has a
lot of harriettes to build (can't be more specific due to their
publicity intentions, sorry), plan is still to produce the 40'ters,
maybe before the end of this year as there is a possible 85'ter for
them to build and they need to do a smaller one first. Masts in China
are still a goer, but waiting till they get harriette under control.



On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Gardner Pomper <gardner@networknow. org> wrote:
> I was looking at Rob's newsletter from last summer and it caught my eye that
> this "camper" layout looks A LOT like a smaller version of the boat
> Rapscallion has been talking about building. I have not seen any postings
> from him since before Xmas. Does anyone know if he is still planning on
> building? There was also some talk about that version being built in China.
> Is there any more news on that, or is China just for the harriettes for now?
> I know there was also discussion of mast building in China. is that still
> happening?
> Thanks
> - Gardner
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