Subject: Re: [harryproa] Sails from Rolly Tasker Thailand |
From: Doug Haines |
Date: 4/20/2009, 7:48 AM |
To: |
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you're not the guy doing elementarry in eastern states?
anyway, taskers are pretty good, spoke to both mike and rolly tasker on the phone, rolly suggested using slugs instead of the luff pocket because of cruising uses - i used tghe photo of the elementarry with the white sails and unfortunatley that is exactly what i got, and my foot length of 2m as well was not taking into account the need to shorten the foot to leess than the bomm width (distance between mu masts), so bascially the over phone international dealing lost something in the personal service and i got them recganged here at about half the cost again.
mine weer 6m luff, 2m foot, 2 reef points, reasonable orach though I should 've gotten more i think.
just use thier email, net service i think was what i did.
transport wasn't too muc,
what boat are you on about?
--- On Mon, 20/4/09, Daniel <deepee58@tpg.