Subject: Re: [harryproa] Re: off axis between tow/& Harryproa's
From: Rob Denney
Date: 4/2/2010, 3:14 AM


On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 11:11 AM, George Kuck <> wrote:
> Hello Rob
> What method would you use to maintain the sculptured round look of 12 M Harrypros ?  What method do the current plans show for foam core construction ?

There are no current plans for sculptured, round foam conctruction,
although it would be easy enough to use the strip planked ones and use
foam with uni glass on one or both sides instead of timber.
> I would assume that it might be built using vertical strip foam such as is used for F-boats.

Could do, although you have to virtually build a strip planked mould
before you lay the foam so i don't see this as being very quick.
Heating foam to bend it is also a nightmare in my experience.
> With foam would you need to put wood stringers on mold or are the mold stations close enough together that you could use foam strips lengthwise over mold forms ?  For WW hull would a combination of flat panel with strip foam for bottom and hull deck curve work ?

Not very well. The change from compound to non compound would be a
nuisance. Could make this happen at the cockpit level if you had the
windward overhag, but otherwise you are in for a lot of fairing.
> I do not think there would be much advantage to this method on LW hull since the side panels would not be vary wide.

Agreed, I would use a single panel and bend it to make the hull and
decks.  I would advise you to do this hull first as once you have seen
how easy it is, you might change your mind about the necessity of the
compound curves on the other hull.

> Robert,
I don't think the KSS would make much of a ww decks and cabin on a
standard harry.  Too many cuts and shuts, too much fairing and too
much difficulty getting the KSS frames set up to do the bending.
Suspect his is partly why Derek doesn't like curved decks. The other,
more important part is that they are hard work to walk on, build and


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