Subject: Re: [harryproa] SAiling Anarchy
From: Rob Denney
Date: 5/16/2011, 7:28 AM


On SA I post as harryproa.  Rob D is a cat sailor in Sydney, I think.  Thor thinks I am a hardarse because I pointed out that his beloved Gunboats are nowhere near as fast on the race tracker on the Caribbean 600 as the advertising makes them out to be.  No idea what Eric e thinks, but suspect you are about to find out.

As for Rick's numbers not having any bearing on reality, I disagree.  His boats perform almost exactly as predicted and the software he uses was developed by another  very smart guy and has been well tested and proven.  Whether the practicalities work, we will find out when one gets built, but using his raw numbers as a starting point is an excellent idea.. 

I'd remind everyone to read their posts before sending them.  It is very easy, and totally unnecessary to say things about other people that come across as disrespectful.  The theoreticians, the practical guys and the wannabees are all an important part of what goes into making this group an enjoyable place to chat.


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