Subject: Re: [harryproa] Schooner mast placement?
From: Gardner Pomper
Date: 5/31/2011, 9:28 PM


I think the bits you refer to are one idea for controlling the sheeting. They are arms that stick out from the boom when the boom is over the stern bow, and the sheet is attached to the arm so that you can trim it. I don't really like the idea; I prefer a line between the bows that I can run a pulley between and tighten that down over the mainsheet to give me a good sheeting angle, but I am afraid it will put too much sideways force on the bows and they will have to be built heavier and non-removable.

Always issues to resolve.

- Gardner

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 8:23 PM, Rob Denney <> wrote:

The weight is towards the end, so will encourage pitching, but not bow burying as the cog doesn't move.  The sheeting angle is pretty tight, so you may have problems there, although if the fore sail is trimmed first, it will blow the aft sail past the difficult part.  No idea what will happen to the balance. 

What are the bits that stick out over the lee side?


On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:06 AM, Gardner Pomper <> wrote:

Rob (and anyone else),

If you have a few minutes to look over the "Gardner's layouts/ToyyoT"
design, I was wondering if you could comment on the mast placement.
They are really far apart, to the point where the boom actually
reaches all the way to the bow. Rick has been kind enough to do all
sorts of VPP calculations and stuff, but I have been concerned that I
might be making problems for myself with such a large seperation
between the masts. Will I have problems burying the bows, or too much
wracking load, or something else I haven't thought of?

- Gardner

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