Subject: Re: [harryproa] Re: 18m Proa Update: bow & spray
From: Rick Willoughby
Date: 2/17/2012, 3:48 PM



The lw bow could be modified to reduce the amount of water it lifts.  It also could have a spray rail to prevent the sheeting of water up the sides.

Other factors are that the ww hull has less aft rake; ww hull is being unloaded whereas the lw hull is being pressed and the lw hull, being longer, sees a wave first when on the wind and starts to lift the ww hull before it gets to the wave.  I have only been aboard sailing ww hull to lee in light conditions so do not know if the ww hull will produce as much spray if it is pressed.  

On 18/02/2012, at 4:41 AM, LucD wrote:



If the lw hull would have had a bow shaped like the ww hull, do you think the water would run off it the same way (the difference in the clip was spectacular) or are there other factors to consider?

Thank you.


--- In, Rick Willoughby <rickwill@...> wrote:
> Peter
> Regarding your comment about the water off the bow soaking everyone.
> This is incorrect. The spray does not even get near the steering
> position on the lw side. Very rarely the ww hull will pick up a bit
> of spray. If you go through the clip I occasionally film the leading
> bow of the ww hull to compare with the lw hull. The ww bows do not
> lift watrer.

Rick Willoughby

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